In my wekend of dvd watching as something to do between taking pain
killers and avoiding the mirror because the left side of my jaw  is
swollen like a melon, these are my pointless thoughts.

(the Rev) Vince

Artifical Intelligence - I got this because of all the recent discussion
on it and liked it much better than anyone else seemed to.  I was
surprized that Spielberg could be so faithful ro Stganley Kubrick, and
it was a Kubrick film all the way;  Given that, taking Kibrick's career
artistic vision as the concept that I as the viewer was entering, I
thought it was a super fine movie.  The "Flesh Fair" scenes were a
direct rip on Gladiator and so I enjoyed it.  And Haley Joel Osment -
what an outstanding actor.

Life as a House - good flick, a bit predictable, but then so was I Am
Sam which I liked so much.  The young star Hayden Christensen who plays
Anikin Skywalker in the new Star wars, that kid can act.  I had seen an
interview in whioch he said he was glad that Life casme out before Star
Wars since he wanted America's first impression of Anikin Skywalker was
to be in makeup, inhaling, hanging himself while masturbating, which is
how we meet him in Life as a House.  A good film to watch with someone
you love, especially for this line of dialogue spoken by Kevin Kline:

"There is no doubt in my mind, in all my anger and my ego, I was always
faithful in my love for you.  That I made you doubt it was the great
mitsake of a life full of mistakes.  The truth doesn;t set us free.  I
can tell you I love you as many times as you can stand it and the only
thing it does is remind us tyat love is not enough, not even close."  Of
course before the movie is over we discover that love is enough.

Training Day: good suspense film, held by interest, some nice plot

Momento: incredible film, and while I thought I had figured out the big
ending (which in this case is the beginning because the movie plays out
backwards)  it sure fooled me.  This was a movie that I had to watch
intently, just fascinayted by the sophiscation of the plot and  script,
and the very cool acting by Guy Pearce especisally but by everyone in
the cast.  One of the most intriguing films ever.

Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back: as sophomoric as this movie is at times,
one of the more amusing films that I have seen, very clever and funny a
lot of times much more than I had suspected.  This is the type of humor
we are supposed to outgrow but it had me laughing but then again I buy
Linkin park albums too so my maturity was long ago arrested.  The fact
that every time the movie is about to lapse into a predictable dumb
movie it twists the joke enough to a new level was clever to me, and the
rip offs of (or homages to) oter movies, especially Ben Aflleck and Matt
Damon films, was funny.   So was seeing Mark Hamill playing Cock-knocker
and doing the light saber fight from the original Star Wars while
combating Jay who is doing the Darth Maul duel light saber number from
Phantom Menance.

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