I arrived safely in New York yesterday afternoon.  I'm sitting in a cyber cafe on 
Bleeker Street.  It took me forever to find.  I got off on 14th Street and proceeded 
to spend a half hour walking around in circles but as soon as I saw the Bleeker Street 
sign a big smile lit up on my face.  After I leave here I'm going to find a Bleeker 
Street cafe where I can sit and drink coffee and watch people walk by.

The flight up was really nice.  I showed up at the Greenville airport three hours 
early, because when I was in Atlanta I kept hearing over and over, show up early, show 
up early...and it didn't occur to me that there would be NO ONE THERE at Greenville at 
9 in the morning.  

But as I didn't have alot to do, I sat around writing and ended up writing a new song, 
which I finished up on the plane, called "Heavenly Eyes" that just flowed out like 
water...I came up with the music this morning at Kay's and I just love it...I guess my 
muse has finally returned.

I spent a few hours at the MET musuem and it completely tired me out so I suspect I 
will head back to Kay's soon.  I'm going to try hitting an open mic tomorrow night and 
then I head back on Tuesday.

more later,

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