kakki -- i thought your post about "car on a hill"
was such a clear and excellent interpretation of 
that song.

i loved what you said about " It
adds to the sense of the lover being slightly removed and disconnected, 
down the hill, but traveling towards Joni as she sings."

and i would add that the muted confusion of the background
noise probably gives a general sense of disconnect to
the song...emphasizing all the obstacles between lovers
like time, cars, and hills.

thanks for posting this insight!

one last "car on a hill" tidbit: on the "people-mover"
in the dallas-fort-worth airport, around midnight last
weekend during a looooong walk from one airplane to
the next, i sang along to "car" playing over the loudspeakers.
what a treat!  made a gross trip (from FL back to
chicago) much sweeter.

probably what would have been more appropriate to that
moment, though:
"i took a plane to a taxi
and a taxi to a train
i've been traveling so loong
how'm i ever gonna know my home
when i see it again"


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