dear all:

I have been reading the thread about the Arab/Israeli situation and finally decided to 
throw in my 2 cents worth for what it's worth.

What the Palestions have done, with there suicide bombings etc. is not the answer to 
there problems.  Pure and simple.  But on the same token, what the government of 
Israel has done since Israel was founded as a modern-day nation in the late 40's (was 
it 48 or 49, I can't remember)is wrong.  They have done exactly what we (the US) have 
done to non-white citizens before the civil rights movement of the 60's.  I know I am 
going to make my share of enemies on that, but that is what I truely believe.  And why 
Israel needed to invade other countries to steal territory is beyond me.  I don't want 
to sound like an Israel basher pro Palestian but as what my Grandma used to say there 
are two sides to every coin.  I think that both sides are too fault for whatever 
reason of there own. 

That is my opinion.

James Phillips

now playing "Silver Lining" by Bonnie Raitt

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