give me a D, give me an E, give me a D, what's that spell...three cheers for 
DED !  i'm a fan, matter of fact my first post on the list was in it's 
defense. ( i was told it was quite bold for a first post.) i had been lurking 
for a short while when several listers made some disparaging remarks about a 
perfectly wonderful CD , naturally i had to stick up for joan ! i put down " 
shiny toys " as a latter day gem in a recent post  responding to a post about 
the merits, or lack thereof , of latter day joni. i'm a big NRH fan too ! ( i 
mentioned several of the songs on said list of latter day gems.) i agree with 
bree, " passion play " is right up there with other joni masterpieces . i 
fell in love with " ray's dad's cadillac " immediately upon hearing it. the 
song literally tapped into my teenage experience. we use to get stoned and 
lie at the end of our local airport runway, we could "...see the bolts...see 
the tire treads." we also seemed to live in cars,  or wooded areas,  for lack 
of anywhere else to get high. ( i am also a fan of brenda russell who helps 
joni with the vocals !)  NRH is song after song of marvelous music, i think 
it was in the middle of a marvelous creative arch for joni which started with 
CMIARS and ended with TI . just my humble opinion...

loving all things joni,
warren keith

p.s. by the way, did anyone else on the " joni-only " digest not receive # 
128 ?

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