Here I am trying to post only on Spier-man and then this thing comes
along.  Laurent, it is a piece of racist trash.

I can select any grouping of things that I wish to "build" a "case" to
"profile" any category of peoples that I want.,

This email that you forwarded  is exactly the same type of racist trash
that was and is distrubuted by the Klan, or any number of white
Christian supremist organizations, to "prove" that African Americans and
Jews are whatever they want to say that African Americans and Jews
are.   It is easy: jusy select the "facts" to "prove" your "case" and
just like the email that you forwarded, the defense is always, "it is
the truth, man, look at the facts."   For years I used to read this shit
growing up about blacks and Jews - racist literature abounds with things
like this.  South African apartheid defenders used the same type of
"reasoning."  Now it is directed against Muslim males of a certain age,
as in South African, it was used against blacks, colored, and Asians to
justify pro-filing, which they were honest enough to call apartheid.

And you know what this reminds of most?

I posted a few days ago how Holocaust (Shoah) was at the root of
everything that I believe and teach and preach.  The reason is, because
people of my faith and ethnic backgrounds perpetrated the Holocaust -
now there is a group to profile, Laurent, white Europeans.  After all,
no one comes close to white Europeans in the ability to kill 6 million
people and inflcit terror.  Relatives of Timothy McVeigh, the Unibomber,

Anyway I pledged my life to make sure that if I ever saw signs of
Holocaust again, I would raise my voice before it happened, when the
warning signs were there, because that is one thing (of many) that we
owe to the 6 million.

And what this profiling email reminds me of is the anti-Semitic
propaganda of the Nazis.  This is just a cyber version of the Elders of
the Protocols of Zion, which was also filled with "facts" and "dates"
and even pictures of the "Jewish conspirators" and which was defended as
being 'the facts, man, look at it,  it is all right here.'

And then the Nazis added, Who burned the Reichstag?  A legally convicted
Jew!  And they added whatever other facts they had to prove that the
Jews needed to be profiled, looked at closely, and subject to profiling
by the authorities --  so Stars of David and ther word "Juden" were
painted on their stores (damn Jews, they are everywhere, have to
identify them) a

nd you had to profile them when they traveled so mark their passports
with the phrase "Juden" because we could not travel safely unless we
could identify the Jews and watch them,

and then of course to make profiling easier, Jews had to wear the Star
of David.

A Jew traveling had to be searched, they were smuggling, they were
stealing, they were a threat to our safety and security.

Then of coursed they had to be kept separate from us, put them in the

Anytime, from anyone, I see this type of profiling racist trash being
passed around, I will protest, and I don't care who is passing it out or
what the ramifications are, or who the victims are of the trash that is
being distributed.  Let me clear: you said you passed this on, you did
not write it, but you disseminatted racist filth in doing so, and any
moral authority you claim so far is now gone in my opinion.  I don't
give a damn what you think about me, but then again, I will not be
silent in the face of this.

I am not a Jew.  I am not an Arab.  I am a Christian.,  And people ion
the name of my faith have done terrible thinsg by keeping silent.  When
I was ordained into my church as a member of the clergy, the following
was very much in the theology of every one who took part in that

First they came for the Communists,
and I didnt speak up,
because I wasnt a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,
and I didnt speak
because I wasnt a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didnt speak up,
because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one
left to speak up for me.

by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945, survivor of Dachau, imprisoned 1937-1945
in fact because he did speak out, one of the few pastors of the
Confessing Church who was not killed by the Nazis.

I don't know that I could survicve Dachau for 8 years, but I can survive
being flamed in the JMDL, so go to it, but that profiling thing is
racist and filth of the lowest order.

(the Rev) Vince

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