Hello All-
Just a note to check in and let you know I am still here. Jazz Fest was a gas 
as usual and very hot. I am not current at all with the list but plan to 
catch up soon. Hope everyone is well.
     There was an article in the Times Picayune newspaper in New Orleans on 
April 30 in the Living section about JoAnn Clevenger (owner of Upperline 
Restaurant). It mentioned an era when she worked in the French Quarter that I 
thought you guys might find interesting.
     "Clevenger loved the quarter, its characters and funky atmosphere. "I 
would have never left the quarter", she said, "except I couldn't afford to 
buy a building."
     "Leave she finally did, but before she left she operated Andy's in the 
400 block of Bourbon, next to Your Father's Moustache. There was live folk 
music every night. Joni Mitchell was there. Joe Cocker filmed part of "Mad 
Dogs and Englishmen" there. And Richie Havens blew in one night, borrowed a 
guitar and sang "Here Comes The Sun".
     Also In Ryan Adams news, I saw the video of the Corrs and Bono singing 
"When The Stars Go Blue" this morning on VH-1. Pretty cool. 

Love to all,


NPIMH-When The Stars Go Blue-RA

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