dear all:

So yesterday afternoon, I had house-work I needed to do.  I always like to clean etc 
to music as at least for me, it makes mundaine typical housework housecleaning go a 
whole lot faster.  I decided to first listen to Joni's debut album, Songs to a 
seagull, as I hadn't listend to it in ages.  What struck me about that album is how 
young Joni sounds and how much more "crisp" her guitar playing sounded, not that it 
has gotten bad, it just seems like that Martin she used on her earlier albums sounded 
much better then any of her other guitars (save the VG8 which helped with the tunings 
problems onstage).  Then I decided after that I would put on her more recent studio 
release "Both Sides Now".  You can tell Joni is singing in a lower register then she 
did years ago just by the remakes of her songs "A case of you" and "Both sides now".  
Both Sides Now on the Clouds album I believe is in F# (someone verify this for me.)  
It sounds like on the Both Sides Now album the key is more th!
an likely D (I just know it's lower)  Well anyways, it was so strange for me not 
hearing Joni's magnificent guitar playing, however, for a collection of standards and 
stuff, her tunings probably would not have worked.  But it seems to me that whomever 
did the orchestral arranging bore Joni's guitar style in mind with some of the string 
arrangements.  I've always loved standards and stuff (I guess what gay man deep down 
doesn't like standards?) and this album proved a treasure trove of material.  I 
especially liked Joni's interpretations of Stormy Weather, Don't worry 'bout me, and 
At Last, as well as the revisions of A Case of you and Both Sides Now.
Then after the housework was done, the hubby was home, and I was fooling around on the 
computer chatting on  I put Joni's Turbalent Indigo album on.  I vaguely 
remember Joni playing on what was it, Lettermen, around the time this was released.  
Anyways, Turbalent Indigo was so addicting at points I just blanked out from the 
computer just listening to the album and not paying attention to the chat room.  It 
has that affect on me.  The final song on the release "The Sire of Sorrow" I can 
almost see as a one act mini-play, the way the words are written.  I wonder if anyone 
else has ever thought that.

Well I am off to go work out shortly after I have my morning decaf.

Take care,

James Phillips Urbana IL USA

now playing: "Sparkle" by Aretha Franklin    

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