Hi, everyone:

You may remember that last January I proposed the creation of a "Joni in 
Fiction" section for the JMDL site. Now, thanks to Les and all you alert 
JMDLers who have found Joni references in books, movies, poetry, plays and on 
TV, the "Joni in Fiction" section is almost ready. When it's up and running I 
know that it will be a collaborative effort of which we can all be proud. In 
fact, I think that even Joni will be impressed if she ever gets a look at it! 

But before we can unveil this new feature, I need help. Although I have input 
all the references, etc., I have no Web skills to speak of, so I need a 
techie to come forth and volunteer to take care the following:

1) For film references; find a link to the Internet Movie Database and copy 
it into the database.

2) For book and film references; find a link to a purchasing source and 
copy it into the database.

3) For book, film, and play references; find the graphic online, resize it, 
name it, input it in the database, then upload it to the site.

Please e-mail me off list if you think you can help out. (It would be 
especially nice if this tech work could be done quickly, since I have taken 
waaaaaay too long reading the books you've brought to my attention to get 
exact page references, etc.) Then, Les can set up a password for you and 
bring you up to snuff on the project. 

Have a great weekend, everybody.



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