> I'd have to say the all around sexiest scenario for me would be the Lesson
> Survival images, which set my mind to imagining the kind of romantic
> relationship I'd want--
> "You and me, deep kisses and the sun going down."
> "I'm gonna get a boat and we can row it if you ever get the notion to be
> needed by me, fresh salmon frying and the tide rolling in."
> "Hands alike, magnet and iron, the souls..."
> Ken in SF

I've always thought that sounded like an ideal romantic setting as well,
Ken.  I'm sure the infamous photo on the inside of the FTR album was
inspired by 'I'm looking way out at the ocean/love to see that green water
in motion' from 'Lesson in Survival'.

Mark E in Seattle
PS:  Glad you made it back home again.

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