Our (Episcopal) priest actively encourages parishioners to plan their memorial services as much as possible. Here is the appropriate paragraph from my request. I don't have my hymnal handy, so I'm not sure which hymns these are, but I'll bet one of them is to the tune "Cwm Rhonda." :)
7. Hymns 398 and 594. In addition, I would like musicians that have shared my enjoyment of playing music over the years to participate as much as possible. "Lord of the Dance", "I'll Fly Away", "The Parting Glass" and "Amazing Grace" would all be appropriate selections, as would Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides, Now", Jackson Browne's "For a Dancer" and Bob Franke's "Thanksgiving Eve" and "The Great Storm is Over". -- ######################################################## Steve Dulson Costa Mesa CA [EMAIL PROTECTED] "The Tinker's Own" http://www.tinkersown.com "The Living Tradition Concert Series" http://www.thelivingtradition.org/