>> From: Mags N Brei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> To this day, I don't get it, why ARE older women treated with such
>> contempt? I find this attitude rather insulting and have experienced it
>> myself, even at my age! geeze!!!! Could it be that some people are
>> threatened by us? Could this contempt/disrespect be a way to try and
>> throw us off balance? An attempt to knock us down because of the power
>> and wisdom and sense of self we gain as we age?

Mags, I am not so sure it all comes from "out there." As a matter of fact, I
am 43 and feel I am treated the same by others as I always have been. I
sense no contempt coming from anyone; the dislike for my changing face comes
from my own self, when I see it in a mirror or reflected in a window. My own
disappointment in the loss of youthful appearance eats away at my
self-confidence about my appearance and causes me to project, to assume that
others see me the same way I do.
As for contempt, I feel more respected now than I did when I was younger.
Those younger than me seem to give it automatically, whether they know
anything about me or not (feels a bit like cheating, on my part), and those
older are respectful as a matter of course ... good old-fashioned manners, I
assume, or maybe the good sense that comes with maturity. 

>> From: Denny Giovanetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > Anyway, enough of my nonsense.  You folk have more important things to

Ha! You've been lurking long enough to know that jonilisters don't think
there are all that many more important things to do than talk about our
admiration for joni's genius and the beauty of her musical and lyrical
output -- unless it's actually listening to the music itself. Not so
curiously, what you don't like one year, you may discover in a new way the
next. I still skip over Paprika Plains and the odd other thing as I listen,
but I don't write them off forever. One day, I may appreciate them in a way
I'm unable to now. 

She still astounds me, after almost 30 years of listening to her music
almost every day. Her songs are so layered that there is always something
new coming to my attention. Joni's music is one of the many things of beauty
to be enjoyed on this planet. Joni makes my day, so many days. 

Well folks, forgive me for being about 12 digests behind, probably, by now.
We are playing computer roulette around here since I bought a Mac so I could
work a couple days a week from home, and the digests have been going to the
old computer in the cool, dark basement. I am a light-and-warmth worshipper,
so I rarely get down there to watch tv either. 

Kate of the North

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