Just some observations off the top of my head... This film felt very
natural (as have most of the foreign films I've seen) and I felt like I
was getting a glimpse into something that was very real.  I liked the way
they would freeze everything and give some additional insight into the
life/mind of one of the characters.  I think this quietly added some
depth to the whole story without disrupting it. What I got out of it is
that human beings are naturally sensual beings, and as Maurice Sendak
once said, almost anything that anyone does in their life is sexual
whether its subconscious or conscious, whether one is a child or an
adult.  Life is for living and the only way to experience life is to go
and do it, take risks, go into the unknown and rediscover who you are. I
like the way it shows love as a beautiful thing and not something that is
thought of as bad.  The human body should be thought as something of
beauty and not as something to be ashamed of.   It also makes me realize
how the media in this country has so completely distorted the idea of
sexuality and uses it to sell everything so much so that I don't even
watch anything anymore because so much of it just disgusts me.  It all
just seems rather predictable, empty and devoid of any meaning.  And then
you have the religious right/moral majority who are so uptight about sex
and the nude body but who probably watch all of these shows anyway.  It
strikes me as very hypocritical.   Y TU Mama Tambien had a kind of grace
to it.  Something that is sadly lacking in many other things I have
seen.  Go out and enjoy your life.  You only get one. Victor      ---
Victor Johnson--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]"Roses wait for the springtime,They
sleep beneath the ground.They hear March winds a callin'For the sun to
come around."vlj Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson 

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