"Buck - the - Dog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> e-woofed:
>And besides that, what *is* a cartoon coaster? 
Ah, those were the halcyon (and non-existent) days, when drinking was a social 
endeavor, and bartenders could mix drinks, remember _your drink_ and your name 
(pre-fern bar, wine spritzers, bottle juggling, etc.).  Rather than advertising the 
liquor or beer that your in the process of drinking, a coaster might've been 
emblazoned with the some nifty '50's sort of cartoon (say, a shapely martini come-on, 
or some such).  A mint example would probably fetch a fortune on ebay =:~)
(There might be more on this in Joseph Lanza's _The Cocktail: The Influence of Spirits 
on the American Psyche_.)

>And what is 
>meant by "Constantly in the darkness, where's that at?"  
Her take on Willie the Shake (Willie with a twist):  
"But I am constant as the northern star,
Of whose true-fixd and resting quality, 
There is no fellow in the firmament."
(Julius Cfsar. Act iii. Sc. 1.)


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