Damn I wish I could have been there with you. That damn Kakki is SUCH a good
hostess she always keeps me too busy to ever make it out there. But the next
time I go I want to make it out there to meet him too and hang out. Not only
do I wanna see those guitars I want to play them.



on 5/16/02 10:23 PM, Kate Bennett at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Had the wonderful pleasure of meeting Fred Walecki at Westwood Music today.
> What a sweetheart of a guy!!!!
> (he's the one who helped ..design?..Joni's VG-8 so she could tour again. He
> seems to be in great health, very energetic, incredibly knowledgeable &
> soooo friendly...
> he pointed up to where he said he had a bunch of Joni's guitars for sale
> (1,2, 3, 4 numbered in cases...man, did he have my number! not cheap he
> said...so, I didn't even want to see them because I would have been in deep
> deep trouble- Paz I know you know the kind)...
> we talked a bit about Joni, her tunings, the website & the AMAZING people
> who figured out her tunings!!!! & how she told him that having her VG-8 was
> like having a whole new palette...
> what a nice guy, no wonder everyone did that benefit for him...Kakki, have
> you met him?...I can imagine the two of you chatting away for hours!!!!
> Although I didn't buy anything (yet) he walked me to my car (I was lugging 3
> guitars) & talked about so many wonderful sound technicalities...I think he
> is really some kind of genius...on that same level of niceness (for lack of
> a better word) as Graham Nash ... I just want to buy something from him
> because he's such a cool guy!

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