on Thu, 23 May 2002 14:09:52, Kay Ashley wrote:

> Just wanted to let all the NYC folk know that I am playing a one hour set
> tomorrow night (Friday the 24th) at 7:00 pm at The Baggot Inn (82 West 3rd
> Street, btw Thompson & Sullivan, downstairs from the "world famous" Boston
> Comedy Club.)
> Hey, hope to see some of you poor Cheney-ized (my new word for terrorized)
> slobs there!  :-D  I mean, hey, you know what?  Don't tell me that they wanna
> blow up the Brooklyn Bridge or the Statue of Liberty!  I knew that already!
> Plus, I work smack-dab in between them in the Financial District!!  So, like,
> shut your damn trap unless you've got enough info to get on the Emergency
> Broadcast System and tell me not to go to Manhattan!  Know what I'm sayin'?!?!
> Like, I was starting to feel better, really I was, and then Mr.
> No-Moral-Center Vice Prez tells us it's not a matter of if, but when!  Well,
> no shit, Sherlock!  Thanks for adding to my already ample supply of
> apocalyptic visions!  I mean, I was getting to the point where I wasn't
> experiencing existential dread every time I got on the subway, but now that
> Vice Prez has reminded me that I could die at any moment, I am actually
> grateful to have the fight-or-flight adrenaline response fully cranked up
> again!  I think New York!
> ers really need that kind of wake up call, 'cause you know, we're so damn
> complacent!
> OK, I'm done.  Thanks for listening.  :-)

DICK Cheney??? This guy sounds more like LON Cheney!!! Seriously, Kay, if
you keep your feelings all bottled up, you're just gonna develop an ulcer.
Next time, let us know what you really think! ;-)

Good luck with your gig!


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