Kakki writes:

<< Julius also posted about this the other day >>

Yikes! Why am I *still* on AOL? 

Lately AOL seems to be withholding (or deleting or rerouting or shredding or 
dancing on or whatever they do) at least a couple of JMDL posts from my 
mailbox every day. One other JMDLer is having the same problem, I know, when 
he checks his mail after figure skating. Are there any other AOL people this 
is happening to? 

I would have remembered reading a post from Julius, so I am sure this is just 
another way that evil, soulless AOL is making life a vale of tears and hell 
on earth for tech-challenged people everywhere. 

Sorry to all for reposting something that was news to me. And while I'm 
apologizing for reposting old news . . . Y O U will be sorry if you don't 
check out David Sedaris reading "A Million Bubbles," an audioclip in which he 
mentions Joni a couple of times, at:


Anyway . . . I'd take Sedaris and Mitchell over Bush and Putin any day! 

Take care,


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