>>I would move the last album of your classifications into the preceding
period: For the Roses moves to the beginning, and Mingus moves to the

i agree with this & have to say that i am an early period joni lover...if i
have to pick my favorite group...maybe its because i grew up as joni
did...listening to her albums & learning about love from her (before i
really understood it)...with each new release....or maybe because i love the
folk genre so much & she just changed the game in such a big way with that
genre & there is more of the singer/songwriter there...joni & her
instrument...not much else in the arrangements...or maybe its because i love
the romantic kind of writing she did back then (as an example i love the
line from Tin Angel, for its beautiful visual description, or maybe because
it reflects the that time of life for me...more childlike & innocent times):

Varnished weeds in window jars
Tarnished beads on tapestries
Kept in satin boxes are
Reflections of love's memories...

...however, this period is imo, an example of her writing with both her
heart & head...she definitely wears her heart on her sleeve but she
describes it with such intelligence & depth...i also love the artwork she
did back then, especially the cover of Ladies of the Canyon...also i think
her melodies were more...melodic back then...we had a loooong discussion not
too long ago so i won't go into that again...

anyway, those early albums are the ones i listen to most...i think of
certain songs that to this day are just astounding to me...so brilliantly
written- i had a king, that song about the midway, rainy night house,
woodstock (i was there, she wasn't...she captured the event miraculously
well), little green (especially now that we know what its about), circle
game (forget for a minute that you've heard it a zillion times), blue,
carey, a case of you, woman of heart & mind, ETC.

i love lots of songs from her other periods, but taken as a whole, the
beginning period is my desert island group...
Kate Bennett
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