hi guys, my condolences and heart go out to you . i lost a cat of 18 years, 
luanne pouvey, back in 2000. oddly enough i had to have her put to sleep the 
morning of the joni concert at chastain park in atlanta. ( the fates must 
have known i'd be in need of  a huge diversion following my beloved kitty's 
death. ) a friend and i made the trip from NC to atlanta and even though i 
was numb from loss the concert was fabulous and much needed. luanne and i had 
been through alot together, a litter of which i kept two babies( rita louise 
and rosemary), and i still tear up when i think of her, both babies passed 
before their mom.  i have new cats now, maeve and baxter, which were stray 
kittens i adopted shortly after i lost luanne. i hope you will plan to find a 
new kitty 
friend shortly, it certainly helped me recover from my loss. ( joni was there 
to console me as well !) i also hope you will consider giving a much needed 
home to a stray when and if you do...

in sympathy,
warren keith   

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