Another beautiful essay, Lama - I think you should write an entire book on

Please forgive for chafing just a bit at one statement, which I know you
cited from Karen O'Brien's biography:

> Elliot visited Mo Ostin at the only record company on America's west coast
> at Warner Brothers.

Capitol Records founded in L.A. in 1942 by Johnny Mercer
Reprise Records - L.A. - 1960 - Frank Sinatra
A&M Records - L.A. - 1963 - Herb Alpert and Jerry Moss
Dunhill Records - L.A. - 1965 - Lou Adler

There were also some other fairly large record labels on the west coast at
the time including Twentieth Century Fox and I think MCA had an office here,
too, back then.  There were also numerous small but significant labels such
as Specialty, and founded and based in L.A. decades ago.  Brenda would
probably have more information.

Sorry for the input but the statement made me feel like we were the
"outback" here on the west coast!

Gathering martini vapors now to calm down ;-)


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