I believe she improvised a song/poem including
> the words "Penelope wants to f**k the sea"...with Zappa conducting the
> Mothers of Invention behind her.
Welcome, Todd.

I've never heard about this performance but I do know there is a book of
poetry that Joni created and I believe hand printed a very few copies of for
friends called 'Morning Glory on the Vine'.  It has a poem in it entitled
'Penelope Wants to F**k the Sea' (the asterisks are for those who may get
their Joni mail at work and/or have filters that auto-delete mail with
certain words in them).  I had the privilege of actually seeing one of these
rara avis when Leslie Mixon visited Seattle several years ago and was kind
enough to bring one with her and let me peruse it.  (Natasha, if you're out
there, I miss you.)  I believe there's someone else on the list who has a
copy of this book.

Mark E in Seattle

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