In CT again, playing Florence Nighthgale to my mom, then off to a Sea Music 
Festival in Mystic, CT. I'm on my laptop, which is almost impossible to type 
on, but just wanted to say a few brief things.....

Lama- what an incredible essay!! I really enjoyed it, and appreciated the 
time and energy you put into it.

Twin brother Mark- I am so, so very sorry to hear about your cat. :-(

Kakki- Great review of the CPR concert! As always, every well written, and as 
always, I felt as if I were there! Thanks!

Vince- Sorry to hear about your parishoners. They were so blessed to have you 
in their lives.

Lindsay- I am so behind in mail, and see that your Oud question was already 
answered. I "almost" bought one last summer, but opted for the mandolin 
instead. Thankfully, one of my sons decided to take up the mandolin, because 
I was too busy to even start figuring it out! The Oud is a very cool 
instrument, and one of these days I am determined to get one a learn how to 
play it!

To all the nurses and caregivers out there in JMDL land- you are thebest of 
the best. Each time I run down to CT to do my duty with my mom, I marvel at 
how WONDERFUL, caring, funny, and amazing each and every nurse has been. 
Thank you for choosing a difficult job that you probably rarely hear "thanks" 

Lastly, unfortunately there have been a few cancellations for Jonifest, thus 
I have a few rooms that have opened up. If anyone is interested in coming, or 
upgrading from camping/yurt or wants a single room, please let me know as 
soon as possible. 

That's it for now. Still catching up with posts.,


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