Right now, i'm 20 and I first got into Joni when I was eighteen.  I bought 
the Hits cd right off and I got from Joni what I only get from a few other 
artists (Kate Bush, Laura Nyro, Bjork...) PURITY!

Even Hissing is pure in it's commentary, Hejira in it's philosiphising, and 
Mingus in it's psychoanalization.  She like Laura especially is a pure snow 
who through the years has seen her share of horrible truths all the while 
remaining a creative artist.

She didn't pull a Joplin, Cobain, or Nyro, she continued to drive through 
like a snowplow.   To stand above the mediocrity around her.  How while the 
press continues to whine about her affects (genre, voice, ego, influence, 
opinion, relevance) they can't mark Joni the person.  I think her survival is 
linked to that.  To her personage rather than her artistry.  If she were to 
hinge her being on perceived notions of her relevance as an artist, she would 
have long offed herself.  Especially during the dark years of the 80's 

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