Kate wrote:

> after a long day of double gigging...got home, i was in my office, jeff
> plopped down & turned on the tv...all of a sudden i hear joni's trouble
> child playing under some dialogue...i rushed into see (knocking over my
> chair!) & the song just kept playing, i think most or all of the song which
> is rare for tv or movies...anyway it was something on nbc called the 70's a
> weird mix of fictional story mixed with real footage...the music was really
> good, especially joni's song...

I saw part of "The 70s," too (and I think the weekend before, "The 60s" was on tv) ... 
I was channel surfing (after a long day of going "back to the garden" -- pulling 
weeds!) and stopped when I heard the original version of "Layla."  Listened through 
the end of the song, then surfed some more.  At some point I hit on "The 70s" again, 
at the very end of "Trouble Child."

Judging from the few scenes I saw, I don't think I would want to watch the entire tv 
movie (at least I think it's a movie) -- the fictional part is too melodramatic for my 
taste -- but I think it would be great if the soundtrack was released.


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