>  >> I agree with this statement but I believe that Cobain killed* himself
> because of his fear of becoming artistically irrelevant
>   *(if he really killed himself is another topic for another list) <<
..however, he was deep into heroin addiction on top of emotional
> problems he wasn't dealing with...i think his suicide was much more about
> inner pain, made worse by drug addiction...

I would agree...I think that the angst he wrote about in Nirvana was very
real and in the end I think it overwhelmed him.  Drugs provide a temporary
escape but in reality I think they only compound problems that are already
there instead of providing any real relief.  And issues regarding fans I
think were probably very minor mixed in with all the inner turmoil he must
have been going through.

The artistic process is an internal one and highly personal and can be a
very lonely road to travel down.  When you strip away all the external
hoopla surrounding any media figure, you are left with a person, who is
just like anyone else.  And I think the majority of their struggles are
internal and don't have much to do with fans at all.  Even if someone is
seeming to talk about something regarding the public they may in fact be
really talking about something else entirely.  In a way, I think being
famous creates an illusion, albeit a very powerful one, and I think in some
cases, it can become a demon that creates much inner turmoil.

I don't think I could even begin to understand what was going on in Kurt
Cobain's head but I'm certain it is far too complex and maybe far too
simple for me to ever figure out.


--- Victor Johnson
"Roses wait for the springtime,
They sleep beneath the ground.
They hear March winds a callin'
For the sun to come around."vlj

Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

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