In a message dated 11/06/02 22:41:50 GMT Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

<< He's very funny, but for me, songs that are full
 > of punch lines don't have a very good chance of being played a lot.
 Yes, I think that's true. His song "I Wish I Was A Lesbian" is one of the 
funniest songs ever written, IMO.  I've heard a couple songs from his latest 
CD on the radio that were not humorous, but they were great songs.  >>

Check out LW3's "History" album (not a compilation, as the name might imply) 
for a great overview of the man's talents.  He is much more than a funny man 
- he's a great songwriter; so alongside uproarious tunes like Talking New Bob 
Dylan, People In Love and The Doctor, there are lovely songs like the title 
song and the truly brilliant Hitting You, a deceptively straightforward 
recounting of an incident when he spanked his daughter in the car when she 
was a child, and has regreted it ever since.

As far as being funny is concerned, he's a hoot live; my favourite single 
line from any of his songs is from a song (whose title escapes me) about baby 
boomers: "Hope we grow up before we grow old."

Azeem in London

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