>  I used to be a big fan of Judy Collins,and I thought her voice was so pretty.but 
>her voice doesn't sound as beautiful as it used to,to me.I wonder if it has to do 
>with how I see her now as a person.I used to read her message board on her 
>website,and her behavior towards her fans was disgraceful,especially in the last few 
>months of the message board,before it was shut down.I lost a great deal of respect 
>for her.I wonder if that's a reason her voice no longer sounds so good to me.

I have never found that to be true throughout the 30 plus years I have been attending 
her concerts and communicating with her as a fan. I have always received personal 
responses from her, both written and by email, and when I sent my copy of her books to 
her to be signed they were always sent back to me with personal inscription. A JMDL 
list member wrote to her after the TNT special and she took the time to immediately 
respond to him and the list. There was a time back when she had
nodes on her throat and had surgery to remove them. There was a period of about 3 
years before she got her voice full strength. Having heard her live three times in the 
past 3 years I can assure you her voice is as pure and crystal clear as ever. Much 
more than most singers half her age. And after 40 years of performing and dozens of 
albums she still studies voice weekly in NYC.

Jerry, an avid fan

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