> I have been looking for this for years and never expected to find it, but
> today at an HMV in NYC which is closing and selling off its inventory, I
> found a DVD import which plays on my player (NTSC, zoned for the USA)!
> So the others of you out there looking for this it exists. The label is
> Panorama Music Video.

Hey, I was in there myself today picking up some cds from my very long
wish list. I didn't want to even get started in the DVD section. Maybe
tomorrow. Was that the last Shadows and Light? I'll check tomorrow since
I'm finding some unusual things there, such as the Kirsty MacColl
section that's suddenly appeared. First time I'd seen anything by her
there. Among other things I finally got a Michael Hedges cd because of
the positive way he's been discussed on the list and a cd by Innocence
Mission, which I loved right away. Haven't heard the Michael one yet.

I'm sure going to miss that store. It's nearby so I did a lot of impulse
buying there, especially of what the dj was playing on that great sound
system. Madonna's Ray of Light was one such purchase, and lots of Latin
music that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. Also got advice
sometimes from other shoppers, and was almost always able to find what I
was looking for. Buying from cdnow is not going to be nearly as much

And it's hard to imagine that huge (for NYC anyway), 2-story space as an
organic supermarket, which is what one of the clerks said it was going
to become. Change is so weird sometimes.

Debra Shea

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