The following is a letter from an agnostic in New Zealand.
On the contrary, I find it interesting in its "down under" approach to finding
a peaceful solution.

I sent a preview to Azeem several days ago to avoid any controversy but he
hasn't commented.
Please send it to any Palestinian you know.


  >Special Jerusalem Report - Outstanding Open Letter
  >Barbara Richmond                May 27, 2002
  >An Open Letter to the Palestinians from an Agnostic Date: Sun, 26 May
  >18:03:29 -0700 > Speaking Truth to the Powerless: An Open Letter To The
  >People Commonly Called "Palestinians".
  >Greetings to any Palestinian who may be reading this. My name is David
  >White. I am a citizen of New Zealand, a small, Western, nominally
  >Christian country in the South Pacific Ocean. I am not Jewish, or
  >Christian, I guess I'm vaguely agnostic.
  >Writing this letter is a good way for me to discuss the horrible mess in

  >the Middle East, spell out as many relevant points as possible
  >the state of the Palestinian people, and to see what can be made of them
  >don't speak Arabic, so I can only communicate with English-speaking
  >Palestinians. There aren't many here in NZ, though, and I haven't yet
  >any. I don't know how many will ever see these words, but, here's hoping

  >someone does.
  >I have a post-graduate university education, and I suppose I could be
  >called an intellectual. Unfortunately, many such people have supported
  >abhorrent ideologies such as Nazism, and continue to support Communism,
  >I refuse to describe myself in this way. I don't want to considered as
  >just another "trendy leftie" academic, as we would say in NZ. So, unlike

  >many university-educated types, I am anti-totalitarian, pro-peace up to
  >point,pro-democracy, pro-capitalism (except the capitalists running
  >Enron), and skeptical about the "cult of victimhood." I'm quite safe
  >in New Zealand, and no-one I know has been killed by a Palestinian.
  >My perspective of Palestinians is something like this - you're Arabs (of

  >course), mostly Muslim, but with a Christian minority. Many of you live
  >outside Gaza/West Bank, mostly in Jordan and other Muslim countries,
  >some groups living in Western countries as well. You feel that you have
  >been wronged by Israel and are fighting to destroy them.
  >As for my perspective on Israel, I see them like this. They are a mainly

  >Jewish, small, free-market democracy with a large Arab minority
  >by hostile Arab dictatorships. They have an ancestral claim to Israel,
  >their state was created as a refuge from persecution, they have a right
  >exist, and, having survived a holocaust in Europe, they should not have
  >sit still and wait for another one in the Middle East.
  >A Down Under Overview. Over the last few months, the conflict in the
  >disputed territories of Gaza and the West Bank has turned into a war
  >between the Palestinian people and Israel. (I will not apologise for
  >the term "disputed", as I believe it reflects a rather complicated
  >situation more accurately than "occupied").
  >Your interpretation, as far as I can tell, seems to be something like
  >this: You have no state of your own, and you are fighting a war against
  >those you call "Zionist oppressors" and "colonial imperialists", in
  >to create a Palestinian state. Accusations of massacre and human rights
  >violations by the Israeli Army are being tossed around like confetti.
  >leader, Yasser Arafat, vows to "martyr" himself rather than "surrender",

  >and that bungling and incompetent organization, the United Nations
  >no apologies for venting personal opinions), is trying to do what it is
  >constitutionally incapable of doing, i.e. "saving future generations
  >the scourge of war".
  >The Israelis see things differently, of course. For them, it's a simple
  >battle for survival. They offered you a state, and you attacked them
  >instead. They have occupied Palestinian towns, have fought it out with
  >various armed groups, and desperate attempts are being made by the US,
  >other Arab countries and the UN to break the so-called "cycle of
  >violence". As a result, the Palestinian situation at the moment
  >can be explained by putting it into New Zealand idiom.
  >Put bluntly, the Palestinian people are buggered. Munted. Stuffed.
  >(American equivalent=screwed. British equivalent: done over). It's like
  >this: Yasser Arafat turned down the Israeli offer of a Palestinian
  >homeland in Gaza and the West Bank. You want, or Arafat claims that you
  >want, a Palestine "from the river to the sea;" in other words, "all or
  >There is one insuperable obstacle to this- Israel. No matter how
  >your arguments or numerous your martyrs, no matter how many European
  >diplomats are angered by, or UN resolutions are passed against, Israel,
  >the Israelis are not going to pack up and leave. The only way you will
  >the Palestinian state you want is to destroy Israel.
  >This is what you have been trying to do since 1948, and the current
  >"intifada" launched in 2000 is your latest effort. However, the Israelis

  >are not standing there and letting you kill them. They are fighting
  >and if they have to choose between their own survival and yours, guess
  >which choice they'll make.
  >A Vast Wringing Of Hands, A Great Fluttering Of Diplomats. That has been

  >the overall response to the disaster you have created for yourselves.
  >the Palestinian Arabs, are obviously hoping for some kind of
  >intervention to save you. As we in New Zealand would say, "Get Real!".
  >The European Union and the UN have demonstrated on numerous occasions in

  >the past their incompetence and total incapacity to take any sort of
  >action without American leadership. Ask your Muslim brothers of
  >Bosnia-Herzegovina, about how effective the EU and the UN were in
  >protecting them without American intervention. In spite of the
  >that American diplomatic efforts have created, the US will not take
  >against Israel, and will eventually abandon its futile attempts at
  >evenhandedness. If they do join forces militarily with Israel in their
  >against terrorism, your fighters will be snuffed out like candle flames.
  >As for your "beloved Arab brothers" in the Middle East, they make a
  >deal of noise about your "liberation struggle", and have sent money and
  >arms, but have not sent a single tank to save you. Their diplomatic
  >proposals are ones that could have been offered at any time, and are
  >at benefiting them, not Palestinians.The Egyptians themselves will not
  >declare war on Israel unless they receive $100 billion to cover their
  >Do you really believe that the rest of your Arab Muslim brothers think
  >are worth that much? Do you really believe they will put your interests
  >ahead of their own? Although your friends and Arabs in Europe are
  >sanctions and burning synagogues in your support, not a single EU
  >has sailed to your aid, and not a single NATO aircraft has dropped a
  >single bomb on your "Zionist oppressors".
  >I have noted that large numbers of people, including university educated

  >intellectuals support the Palestinian cause. Don't be misled by this. No

  >matter how many western intellectuals, news media and international
  >organisations may support the Palestinian struggle, none of this matters

  >because America stands by Israel.
  >The Unbearable Burden of Life How did you get into such a mess? As you
  >yourselves would say and have indeed said on many occasions, it isn't
  >fault. It's always the "Great Satan" America, and it's "Lesser Satan",
  >Israel, that you blame for all your woes. Everything that you do, such
  >your "martyrdom operations", are described as the products of your
  >at being "dispossessed of your land", and of your "helplessness" in the
  >face of "Zionist" might.
  >There are only 300 million Arabs against over 5 million Jews! How
  >How unjust, that so many can do so little against so few!
  >A number of Western commentators have put Arab failures down to numerous

  >cultural factors, not the least being Islam. Your religious beliefs in
  >martyrdom and jihad, coupled with a total inability to accept any blame
  >for your own predicament, have combined to do you great and lasting
  >Look closely at why Western countries such as Israel have succeeded, and

  >Muslim countries have not. Western countries are free-market
  >Muslim countries (other than Turkey) aren't. Surely that should tell you

  >Why I Stand. As I said, I do not, and I will not, support the
  >cause. Why
  >not? I have a number of reasons, and here they are:
  >1. You have made it clear beyond any shadow of doubt that you intend to
  >destroy Israel and kill or drive out its Jewish population. This is
  >genocide, pure and simple. You justify this by saying that Israel has
  >committed many crimes against your people, and that you seek "justice".
  >say this in response- NOTHING WHATSOEVER is an acceptable justification
  >for genocide. Loss of land, humiliation at being militarily
  >defeated  others have suffered these and moved on to create new nations
  >and opportunities for themselves.
  >Examples abound- the Germans thrown out of East Prussia in Europe, 1945,

  >the Nationalist Chinese who fled to Taiwan in 1949, to name but two.
  >Germans and Taiwanese have coped with military defeat and the loss of
  >land. They haven't warred with their neighbours, nor have they launched
  >terrorist attacks upon them. Both countries have more wealth than any
  >nation. Why can't Palestinians cope? Are Germans and Chinese better able

  >to deal with adversity than Arabs?
  >2. You have accused the Israelis of "genocide" against you. Here's a
  >question for you: Israel has atomic bombs and powerful military forces.
  >they really, truly wanted you all dead, they could easily do it. Why
  >haven't they? If the Israelis went all-out, you would be, as we say in
  >Zealand, "dog tucker". Why did they spend so much time negotiating with
  >your leaders? Because Israel wants peace and secure borders. You refuse
  >give them even those. You plan genocide and accuse Israel of the same
  >crime. Prove it!
  >3. The use of terrorism. Killing people for being Jewish is
  >despicable.Terrorist attacks on innocent civilians are also despicable.
  >(At this point, I'd like to pause and get a question of nomenclature
  >cleared up, regarding those Palestinians who kill themselves and others
  >with explosives strapped to their bodies. You call them "martyrs".
  >media sources and academics debate the precise term to use in describing

  >them. Others, including the Israelis, call them terrorists.
  >I have a better, more appropriate term. I prefer to use the word
  >"kamikazes". The original kamikazes appeared in 1944, in the war in the
  >Pacific. They were Japanese Navy and Army pilots, organised into
  >Attack Units" with orders to crash their planes into American warships,
  >the hope of destroying them - "one plane, one ship". Their initial
  >was similar to that of the Al-Quaeda attacks on New York and the
  >Pentagon-shock and horror. (I noted that many Palestinians appeared on
  >Western TV celebrating the September attacks). Note: The American
  >response, in both cases was not the one hoped for.
  >Once the shock had worn off, the US set out to destroy the kamikazes,
  >terrible destruction was rained down on Japan, ending only with 2 atomic

  >bombs. You know what is happening right now in Afghanistan to the
  >Al-Quaeda group).
  >4. Using children as suicide bombers. Anyone who teaches children to
  >themselves in suicide attacks is not worth supporting under any
  >circumstances. For you to do this to your children is an abomination. A
  >commentator on a Web magazine said that if the Palestinians laid down
  >their arms, they would get peace and land. If the Israelis laid down
  >arms, they would be killed. You know that is true, even if most of
  >doesn't. Your cause is evil, because it seeks destruction at any price.
  >Genocide is not justice. Sacrificing your own children for the sake of
  >your leader's personal ambitions is wicked.
  >That's why I cannot support you. That's why I stand with Israel.
  >Palestinian Past or Future?
  >The Second World War in Europe ended with Hitler's suicide. He was
  >replaced by Admiral Doenitz who quickly made peace with the Allies.
  >Japan's leader, Emperor Hirohito, decided on surrender rather than see
  >nation destroyed.
  >If Arafat chooses surrender, though, will the rest of the Palestinians
  >along with it? If he dies, will the war end? If the answer to both of
  >these questions is No, then the Palestinian people are doomed. Do you
  >really prefer death as a people? Do you fully comprehend what you are
  >doing? If you are indeed aware that the path you have embarked on leads
  >destruction, and if you have freely chosen to walk in that direction,
  >as a people you are truly beyond hope.
  >Are Palestinians really going to be a "Kamikaze Nation"? Are you really
  >going to give Israel no other option except your destruction? If they
  >choose, then as Israeli historian Martin Van Creveld said, "better a
  >terrible end than terror without end".
  >Do not think that kamikaze tactics can get you what you want. The
  >can tell you all about Masada, if you ask them. Remember what happened
  >the Japanese at places like Okinawa and Iwo Jima. Palestinians deserve
  >better than the current mess you are in now - but before you can be
  >anything, you must offer a sincere peace, you must stop teaching your
  >children to hate, you must stop believing that "victimhood" justifies
  >everything and - above all other things - GIVE UP ISRAEL! Accept that
  >will never go there again except perhaps as workers or tourists. Accept
  >that Jews are human beings. Accept the verdict of 1948 and learn to live

  >with it.
  >Invest in banks, not bombs. Build computer chips, not Kalashnikovs.
  >science & math, not hate. Look to the future, not the past. Stop blaming

  >Americans and Jews for all your problems, and take responsibility for
  >own actions. Read those parts in the Quran about living with the
  >of the Book".
  >Golda Meir, the former Israeli Prime minister, is quoted as "saying"
  >will be peace in the Middle East only when the Arabs love their children

  >more than they hate Israel ". Every time I see pictures of Palestinian
  >children waving guns and wearing dummy explosives, then I can only say
  >is right. The  alternative to peace is not victory but death.
  >Think about it- before it's too late.
  > From an Infidel to Those Who Submit, and are living in the Holy Land -
  > May God grant you steadfastness in the face of things that cannot be
  > changed, the capacity to cope with those that can be changed, and the
  > wisdom and the ability to tell the difference.
  >David White                         Auckland, New Zealand

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