Hello everyone, just another appeal for help with the 'Murder' songs. I,
and I imagine many others, have received 'junk mail', (sic) lately
offering ways to impove penis length and breast enhancement. Why would I
need both, or either? I digress. The type of junk mail i'm interested in
is better called 'hate mail' as one typical offer the other day was
entitled "make it so big she'll bleed". Please do not delete this mail,
ok delete it but send me the title if it is something similar. I recall
another similar one called "get a dick so big you'll choke her". Please
send me anything similar which has the idea of increased penis size NOT
to give women (additional) pleasure but based on the idea that a longer
dick is useful for purposes of inflicting pain. Sorry if this subject
offends but it is becoming a key thread of my paper. Thanks in advance,mike
in barcelona


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