Yes, I would agree to that. But it does depend on the issue.
As I said, Gore was for Star Wars, Clinton started the Columbia
quagmire, increased wire tapping and drug war funding by a factor
of three, dismantled the welfare system which will result in more
childhood malnutrition, etc....
All of Congress rubber stamped the Patriot Act.
And if both parties are excepting corporate funding, they are both expected to pay it 
back somehow.


> > the system as it stands is completely corrupted
> > by moneyed interests, and there is very little difference
> > between the two parties.
> You're right, the system is corrupt, and when it comes to fundraising and influence 
>there isn't much if any difference. But when it comes to appointing Supreme Court 
>justices and policy makers at Interior and EPA (and other trivial matters), there are 
>big differences.
> Bryan

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