Walking in to a temp agency to fill out some paperwork, and hand over a
Georgia license.

ATTENDANT: [writes down GA DL ...]  So, is Georgia considered part of South

ME: [uhh.....] No..

ATTENDANT: [looks at license again, studying it] Isn't Georgia part of
South Carolina.

ME: [uhh....] No....

ATTENDANT:  [still trying to figure it out] Is Georgia part of Florida? 
What state is it in?

ME:  Atlanta, Georgia [pointing to the license which clearly says Georgia
on it hoping that she will figure it out]

She still didn't seem very convinced that Georgia is a state.  I suppose I
could have been more specific but I found it hard to believe she had never
heard of Georgia.  Kind of cracks me up really, thinking of the tendency of
some people there to think that the sun rises and sets based on their every

NP: new demo just recorded and mixed

--- Victor Johnson
"Roses wait for the springtime,
They sleep beneath the ground.
They hear March winds a callin'
For the sun to come around."vlj

Visit http://www.cdbaby.com/victorjohnson

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