on 15 Jul 2002 16:37:06 -0700 Brenda wrote:

>I think Aimee's situation was quite different [from Wilco's].  Imago >went 
>out of business and wouldn't let her put the record out once she >signed 
>with >Reprise. And her subsequent releases on Geffen lost >money.  No one 
> >wanted to sign her.

Just as my own two cents, I'd say it was Geffen's fault that I'm With Stupid 
failed to sell.  Unless you were a die hard fan or a genuine music whore, 
you'd have been hard pressed to know it was out.  They put "That's Just What 
You Are" out on the Melrose Place CD and then didn't release IWS in a timely 

It's always struck me as odd that Aimme got such a raw deal with Imago's 
folding.  They tried to charge her twice for "Whatever" and then refused to 
let her record.  With Paula Cole they ended up handing her off to Warner and 
she got the full promotional push!

Thank goodness she finally gets to make her own decisions...and good for 
Wilco.  At least the company did the honorable thing and let them go without 
much fuss.  Long may they run...

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