Preventing the Palestinian Leader, President Yasser Arafat from leading his people to 
the actualization of the Palestinian State as proposed by President George W. Bush is 
like preventing Reverend Moses from taking Israelites to  Canaan, the Promised Land.
Americans are acting like God in this case. Are there?
 JMDL Digest wrote:

JMDL Digest Tuesday, July 16 2002 Volume 2002 : Number 289

The Official Joni Mitchell Homepage, created by Wally Breese, can be
found at It contains the latest news,
a detailed bio, Original Interviews, essays, lyrics and much much more.

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TOPICS and authors in this Digest:
Today in History: July 15 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
bunny advice njc ["Kate Bennett" ]
under blank revisited njc ["Kate Bennett" ]
integrity NJC ["Mike Pritchard" ]
Re: language njc [Mags N Brei ]
Re: language njc [Vince Lavieri ]
Re: Meeting in Paris. (NJC) [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
RE: language njc ["Kate Bennett" ]
Re: wilco (NJC) ["gene mock" ]
Re: language njc ["Bree Mcdonough" 
DJRD & NRH ["Erica Trudelle" ]
Who is "A strange Boy" about? [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Re: JMDL Digest V2002 #288 - NJC Corruption, etc. [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Re: wilco (NJC) [Emily Gray Tedrowe ]
Re: wilco (NJC) ["Brenda" ]
Re: wilco (NJC) ["Brenda" ]
Re: wilco (NJC) ["Brenda" ]
Re: DJRD & NRH [Randy Remote ]
Re: JMDL Digest V2002 #288 - NJC Corruption, etc. [Randy Remote joni and relationships 
["Victor Johnson" ]
Re: language njc ["Suze Cameron" ]
Re: language njc [Rick and Susan ]
Re: DJRD & NRH ["Suze Cameron" ]
Re: Who is "A strange Boy" about? ["Suze Cameron" ]
RE: language njc ["Kate Bennett" ]
RE: language njc ["Heather" ]
RE: language njc ["Suze Cameron" ]
Re: joni and relationships [Randy Remote ]
Re: language njc [Randy Remote ]
Re: joni and relationships ["Victor Johnson" ]
RE: language njc ["Kate Bennett" ]
Re: Star Wars NJC ["kakki" ]
Re: aggressive enrichment NJC ["kakki" ]
RE: language/older folks buying music njc ["Brenda" ]
Re: language njc ["Brenda" ]


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 03:00:36 -0400
Subject: Today in History: July 15

1972: Joni performs at Mariposa Folk Festival


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 01:13:38 -0700
From: "Kate Bennett" 
Subject: bunny advice njc

we had a lop eared bunny that loved to chew all the electric chords in the
house so beware! sooo cute though

Kate Bennett:
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 01:13:35 -0700
From: "Kate Bennett" 
Subject: under blank revisited njc

here's another one courstesy of robin nation under canada
over mexico...

Kate Bennett:
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 08:35:12 +0000
From: "Mike Pritchard" 
Subject: integrity NJC

Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles and Tim Radford
Monday July 15, 2002
The GuardianUS scientists admit the truth - new discovery was an
elementary fabrication.

>>What was hailed as a major scientific discovery of two new heavy
elements three years ago now turns out to have been based on fabricated
evidence, academics have revealed. A team of scientists at Lawrence
Berkeley laboratory in California claimed in 1999 that a team of 15
scientists had discovered an element called "ununoctium" by firing
high-energy krypton ions at a lead target. 
The results were published hurriedly and created ripples across the
scientific community. The significance of the discovery was that it
appeared to confirm theories about an "island of stability" for nuclei
and thus advance scientific knowledge. But when scientists in Germany and
Japan unsuccessfully tried to replicate the results, questions about the
authenticity of the claims surfaced. Last year, the laboratory finally
withdrew the claims. Now they have admitted that the research had been
"There is nothing more important for a laboratory than scientific
integrity," Mr Shank told laboratory employees. "Only with such integrity
will the public, which funds our work, have confidence in us." He added:
"In this case, the most elementary checks and data archiving were nor

My question is: Does the above situation prove/show/suggest that the
system works and there are one or two incompetent / inefficient /
misguided (criminal?) types working in it, or does it suggest that any
system that includes inefficiency is by definition a bad system? Now if
we apply this logic to the SEC (or Enron, or Capitalism in general), can
we assume that the system is fine but the details need fine tuning, or is
it more realistic to believe that the problems are systematic rather than
Maybe you will say that no system is perfect and that we will never
achieve perfection, and I may agree with you(se) or not, but should we
not reject the 'one bad apple in the barrel' scenario and instead aim for
perfection? After all, everybody needs a goal in life.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 01:46:03 -0700 (PDT)
From: Mags N Brei 
Subject: Re: language njc

- --- Kate Bennett wrote:

> on a similar but less crude the kind of thing that i guess
> coaches
> used to say to their teams such as "throws like a girl" or "runs like
> a
> girl". i thought this kind of talk was pretty outmoded (publically at
> least)
> until i heard david letterman say something along those lines
> recently...&
> it really bugged me...especially now when women's sports are finally
> getting
> the accolades they deserve...

Kate, when I did my degree a few years ago, one of the courses I took
was Women in Sport in the 20th century. Sad to say that kind of comment
runs rampant still. I heard it first hand on several occasions, while
running, playing baseball, basketball etc. 

Whenever I heard that 'oh you throw like a girl or you 'run' like a
girl, I could not help but reply, well I guess so, might be because I
AM a girl. (double whammy, a CANADIAN GIRL at that ;~))

I miss running very much. Guess I will have to join Jimmy on the ice
rink or the two Bobs in the pool! Speaking of skating Jimmy, I just
found a photo from my skating days as a little kid. My siblings and I
were in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs performed by our small town
Winter Club.. I could send it along with my resume ;~P

Mags...dreaming of running again soon. 

np: the birds outside my window

Why all this women in this ... women in that ...politics/business/sports/music. Are 
women not the opposite of men. There ought not to be anything special in having them 
do whatever the men do.After all it is either them fking men or men fking them.

> ********************************************
> Kate Bennett:
> Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
> Over the Moon-
> "bringing the melancholy world of twilight
> to life almost like magic" All Music Guide
> ********************************************

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
- JM
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Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 08:48:59 -0400
From: Vince Lavieri 
Subject: Re: language njc

Kate, I heard that comment too, and was unsettled that my fave Dave
Letterman used the phrase.

For what it is worth, someone used that phrase on the White Sox message
boards once, just once. Someone (modesty forbids me stating who) called
the poster on that as sexist language, was scoffed at, and then a major
number of women and men responded in a great and massive support of that
phrase being old, tired, incorrect, and sexist. And we have never seen it

The women who responded tened to be women who entered sports in the post
Title IX era. The men who reponded in support tended to be fathers of
daughters now or recently in sports, again, post Title IX era.


> --- Kate Bennett wrote:
> on a similar but less crude the kind of thing that i guess
> > coaches used to say to their teams such as "throws like a girl" or
> "runs like a girl". i thought this kind of talk was pretty outmoded
> (publically at
> > least) until i heard david letterman say something along those lines
> > recently...& it really bugged me..


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 09:07:47 EDT
Subject: Re: Meeting in Paris. (NJC)

Paz wrote

> . Freda and I had a wonderful time in
> Paris and Monaco last year (YOU KNOW Prince Albert invited us over for a 
> few
> days).

I think you mean someone WEARING a Prince Albert invited you over for a few 
days :~)


Oh yea! That reminds me ...President Bush invited me for a Dinner on July 20. 
Incidentally, I can't even secure American visa. May be I have to cancel the 


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 10:56:08 -0400
Subject: Re: wilco (NJC)

> have i missed any discussion about wilco's latest
> and greatest album, "yankee hotel foxtrot"? for the
> last two months i have listened to it nonstop. and
> i hadn't really been a fan of previous wilco things,
> because the country rock stuff doesn't always do it
> for me...

Hi Emily,

If you've missed any discussion about this record, than I have as well! ;~)
It'll make a lot of "best" lists at the end of the year, it IS hypnotically catchy. 
I'm just surprised that you weren't equally enamored with "Being There" & 
"Summerteeth", neither of which I would categorize as "country rock". Anyway, Wilco is 
superb and what makes YHF even funnier is that the brainthrobs at Reprise wouldn't 
even release it, they kicked it back to Wilco as being unacceptable. Proves once again 
how out of touch the suits are!


NP: Eminem, "Square Dance"


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 08:55:37 -0700
From: "Kate Bennett" 
Subject: RE: language njc

good for you calling someone on their language! yay for the fathers of girls
on teams...

on a related subject, at the college where i used to work, there is a woman
who coaches & teaches phys ed & has been there a long time...& a man who has
been there even longer as one of the men's coaches...they are friends now
but she told me that when she was first hired that he protested vehemently
saying that she was taking away a man's job...some things have changed a
little i guess...

Kate Bennett:
Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
Over the Moon-
"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
to life almost like magic" All Music Guide


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 11:41:09 -0700
From: "gene mock" 
Subject: Re: wilco (NJC)

"yankee hotel foxtrot" is the military's phonetic language for the letters
y,h, and f. does anybody know the significance of the "y,h,f" on wilco's
album? incidentally, the word "wilco" is the military radio response for
"will comply." later gene
- ----- Original Message -----
To: ; 
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 7:56 AM
Subject: Re: wilco (NJC)

> > have i missed any discussion about wilco's latest
> > and greatest album, "yankee hotel foxtrot"? for the
> > last two months i have listened to it nonstop. and
> > i hadn't really been a fan of previous wilco things,
> > because the country rock stuff doesn't always do it
> > for me...
> Hi Emily,
> If you've missed any discussion about this record, than I have as well!
> It'll make a lot of "best" lists at the end of the year, it IS
hypnotically catchy. I'm just surprised that you weren't equally enamored
with "Being There" & "Summerteeth", neither of which I would categorize as
"country rock". Anyway, Wilco is superb and what makes YHF even funnier is
that the brainthrobs at Reprise wouldn't even release it, they kicked it
back to Wilco as being unacceptable. Proves once again how out of touch the
suits are!
> Bob
> NP: Eminem, "Square Dance"


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 13:09:43 -0700
From: "Bree Mcdonough" 

Subject: Re: language njc

> >>It is unfortunate, but probably not coincidental, that the very worst
>thing you can call a man or a women refers to the sexual organs of a
>on a similar but less crude the kind of thing that i guess 
>used to say to their teams such as "throws like a girl" or "runs like a
>girl". i thought this kind of talk was pretty outmoded (publically at 

This brought to mind, Kate,I recently watched a womens golf tournament in 
which the woman who won was forty something. Well...the darn announcer 
never let the audience forget. If he brought her age up once, he brought it 
up a good dozen times. To the point I was getting really annoyed. Now, 
anybody that knows even a little about the game of golf knows it has as much 
to do with mental strength as well as the physical side of it too. ( But you 
know this little old lady of forty could hardly make it round the eighteen 
holes much less concetrate on her game. How she pulled this off...a 
miracle...I tell you. This was the guys attitude. ) Same scenario....but 
if it was a forty something man who won....would his age have had the same 
focus? ???????


who just took up golf.....and stinks....but not because I am forty 

>Kate Bennett:
>Sponsored by Polysonics/Atlantis Sound Labs
>Over the Moon-
>"bringing the melancholy world of twilight
>to life almost like magic" All Music Guide

Join the worlds largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:20:56 -0400
From: "Erica Trudelle" 
Subject: DJRD & NRH

hey all,
I just got DJRD and NRH....I wish to receive any and all comments, advice, 
warnings, and joyus remarks about listening to one or both of these. I know 
I know, it's a long time coming to add these 2 to the ol' collection, that's 
just the way it goes.
Thanks for your knowledge!
NP: some song I don't know the name of on DJRD

what are the meanings of DJRD and NRH

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Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:32:31 EDT
Subject: Who is "A strange Boy" about?

Does anyone know who the strange boy in Hejira is about?There are so many 
songs in which I'd like to know who they're about...


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 16:37:07 -0400
Subject: Re: JMDL Digest V2002 #288 - NJC Corruption, etc.

> the system as it stands is completely corrupted
> by moneyed interests, and there is very little difference 
> between the two parties.

You're right, the system is corrupt, and when it comes to fundraising and influence 
there isn't much if any difference. But when it comes to appointing Supreme Court 
justices and policy makers at Interior and EPA (and other trivial matters), there are 
big differences.



Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 17:21:24 -0400
Subject: Re: DJRD & NRH

> I just got DJRD and NRH....I wish to receive any and all comments, advice, 
> warnings, and joyus remarks about listening to one or both 
> of these. 

Congrats on the purchase, Erica...both are good efforts, DJRD the stronger of the 2. 
It's significant to put DJRD in its perspective as far as time is concerned. In 1977, 
as far as "popular" music you had classic rock, you had disco, you had punk & new 
wave...and then there was DJRD. It took a lot of the Hejira sound and pushed it even 
farther to the edge. The lyrics are a bit more cryptic, and of course there's Paprika 
Plains which is in a class of itself. If you're reading through the lyrics as you're 
listening, there are a lot of written lyrics in DJRD that she doesn't sing, so be sure 
& seek them out. Several themes abound in it, relationships & dreams among them.


NP: Smash Mouth, "Let's Rock"


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 17:37:09 -0400
From: Emily Gray Tedrowe 
Subject: Re: wilco (NJC)

hi bob!

>I'm just surprised that you weren't equally 
> enamored with "Being There" & "Summerteeth", neither of which I 
> would categorize as "country rock". Anyway, Wilco is superb and 
> what makes YHF even funnier is that the brainthrobs at Reprise 
> wouldn't even release it

right--i guess those albums aren't the countryish ones. actually,
i only have "being there" (in addition to YHF), and i haven't
given it adequate listen time. what i'm thinking of is mainly
jeff tweedy's earlier collaboration with jay farrar--both
courtney and a friend of his are devotees of "alt-country"
music, and the only wilco i'd heard before YHF was on
some mixed tapes we have...sounding very roots rockin',
like uncle tupelo. not that that's a BAD thing!

i'll keep on with "being there," although the first song
kinda turns me off (on disc 1).

yeah, it's pretty wild about the reprise situation. reminds
me of aimee mann! apparently there is a new documentary
on wilco coming out soon--called "i am trying to break
your heart" which captures some good star-maker-machinery
dirt on that situation. 

can't wait for that, and for the wilco show we're taking
in on 8/3, in order to celebrate courtney finishing the
illinois bar exam! 

- -- emily


Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2002 19:01:19 EDT
Subject: Re: wilco (NJC)

Not at all, it's just a matter of taste. I dig it all, Tupelo, Son Volt, 
Wilco, Jay Farrar's solo "Sebastopol" from last year...bring it on! :~)

And yes, that first Being There track is very off-putting, but once you get 
past that one, it's smooooth sailing.

Bob, eagerly awaiting the new David Baerwald due out tomorrow - first release 
in 9 years!

=== message truncated ===
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