> is it just my imagination or is this
> list getting a lot more butch lately!

Our inner atheletes are surfacing; we all want to be as buff as Sheryl Crow!

And  Bob signs his name:

>  Bob, a former Red Sox fan who would rather have a very bad cold than
> pennant fever

Oh, why?  Pennant fever is a blast.  White Sox had a mild fever but it gone,
just as outrseason is.  I will have to deal with the fact that our government
seems determined to go to war with Iraq as quickly as possible - why is it that
Saudis run Al Queda and we have war against Afghnistan and soon Iraq? Oh yes, we
have oil contracts with the Saudis - anyway, while we look for a pretense for
war, I am having a few moments of peace enjoying baseball.  Real life intrudes
all too quickly and painfully.  And I will be among the first in line on Carlton
Fisk bobble headed doll day!  If I don't get my Carlton Fisk bobble headed doll,
that would be like letting the terrorists win.

Osama bin Laden, you will never get your terrorists hands on my White Sox bobble
headed doll collection!

Maybe someone should sell folkie bobble headed dolls - Joni, Baez, Judy Collins,
Bob Dylan... free to the first 10,000 fans at whatever concert - would pack the
place out.  The Grateful Dead cry out for bobble headed dolls.  Then you could
sell them in bobble headed doll sets: first your CS&N set, Y sold separately,
then a CSN&Y set, then a S and an N sold separately, C&N together - then the
reunion set -  the possibilies for the bobble headed dolls boyfriends of Joni
Mitchell would be a collectors dream, look at all the bobble headed dolls you'd
have to buy to have a complete set!.  Why the hell am I sitting here writing
this shit when I should be copywriting my ideas and getting rights and getting
production started?

NPIMH: take me out to the ballgame

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