Amelia    (c) 1998 by Big Fish Ensemble 

I'm looking for Amelia Earhart, since she went down
I will follow her into the water, where she went down
so calm with the engine dying, so calm when the plane is falling
she thinks of me
Amelia tell me where you are

I'm looking for Amelia Earhart, somewhere in the sky
she looks smart, in her Air Force jacket, gleam in her eye
I want to be the wind in her hair, living on a desert island
flying through the storms
Amelia tell me where you are

I belong to Amelia Earhart, I can't go with you
In the clouds with my dream of Amelia, she loves me so
so calm with the engine dying, so calm when the plane is crashing
she thinks of me
Amelia Earhart tell me where you are
I want to be the wind in her hair, living on a desert island
flying through the storms
Amelia, tell me where you are

--- Victor Johnson
"Roses wait for the springtime,
They sleep beneath the ground.
They hear March winds a callin'
For the sun to come around."vlj


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