Can you imagine how lonely a German Joniphile can be??????????????????? Well 
I grew up in the countryside with no kids around me, just the dog to 
accompany me, so I had a good training to be alone with my thoughts. In my 
life I have had contact with only 2 more jonifans, one of them, Bettina who 
now lives in Berlin, just to come aroung the night before Xmas and we used to 
sit and have a drink of red wine while listening to Joni's Heijira, the other 
one Helga-Indigo, I only met recently, who really knows what Joni is singing friends all respect my love for Joni but never ever understand a 
word Joni says and are not willing to translate although I tell them that 
Joan is a role model for weak women getting stronger. My partner Goetz is 
very supportive when
Helga and I have our Jonifests en miniature, and he enjoys the music but does 
not know much about the lyrics...
So what was I going to say??Oh, yes, what on earth can a German fan bring for 
a raffle??? Give me a hint pleaaaaaaaaaaase. Looking forward to meeting all 
you Joniphilists in 3 weeks time, und ich schicke euch viele Gruesse aus 
Deutschland. Bis bald, Karin

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