Catherine wrote:

> Yes, of course I was being ironic, silly. I suppose it
> would be nice, in a way, to make money off the backs
> of others, but I really couldn't live with myself if I
> did that, and I can't exactly kick myself out,
> unfortunately...

I always thought that Canada had basically the same hybrid
Capitalist/Socialist system as in the U.S.  Not every single business in
Canada is nationalized or owned by the government, is it?

Even as a government employee you are making a profit based on the labors of
others because I'm sure you are not making a subsistence wage and your
paycheck comes from taxes on business and everyone who works in your
country - the labor of others.

Everyone benefits and profits in some way from the labors of each other
under capitalism and they keep their freedom of choice to boot.  In my law
firm, I benefit and profit from the partners' intelligence, talent and
ability to attract and keep business clients and they in turn profit and
benefit from the skills I can provide those clients.  Everyone is laboring
and everyone is profiting.  And none of us are keeping it all for ourselves
obviously when anywhere from 30 - 70% of our earnings are taken off the top
for various government programs to benefit everyone in one way or another.

I found a really good definition, history and explanation of capitalism in
the online Encarta encyclopedia if you are interested.


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