
thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings around whether or
not to watch tv on september 11th. Your words are powerful and tender,
and I can certainly see why you want to have the set on that day. I
like the idea of watching some of it. What I was concerned about in my
post which was written in response to Lori's was seeing the two towers
fall and fall and fall again.

 I should have mentioned in the first place that I personally have a
problem with tv, and the origin of that lies within memories of life in
the house where i grew up. You see, *it* was always on and *it* seemed
to be more important than anything else. I saw it as a very noisy
intruder to my life. 

All that said, I will no doubt have the tv on for part of the time,
especially because Brian enjoys watching CNN and mostly, he loves
staying informed. Me, I'm happy to be a bit of an ostrich at times,
especially when the world news offers me nothing but grief and pain.

 I want to say that I meant absolutely no disrespect for anyone who
does in fact want / need to watch the events of that day on tv. It's a
mixed bag for me. Despite my discomfort with tv, I had it on for much
of the day for the same reason as you. My first news of the tragedy
happened on the way home from taking Miranda to school that day. A
clear, gorgeous, sunny day, one in which I would usually not drive. I
heard the news on the CBC radio and I immediately turned the tv on
because i had to *see* it to believe it. I remember feeling so
confused...hearing that an airplane had hit the tower, wondering how on
earth a small plane could have done such a thing, and then before I
knew it, the horrific truth was there in plain view. I still see those
images, even without the aid of a television screen. 

Brian and I watched things unfold from 500 miles away, and I am so
grateful that we dont have to do that again.

nw: the unpacking of more boxes!!!

love, Mags

p.s. Brian says to say hello :-)

np: the rumble of thunder outside our home 

(i love storms and wish we'd get a good one...oh how we need the rain).

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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