
 >>>>>>>various people discussed linus' quote.

having been brought up in a totally peanuts mad home, and read just about
every peanuts book repeatedly, i have no doubt that it was linus who said

i can even still picture it - linus sitting with his blanket, sucking his
thumb. lucy comes up in her normal psychoanalysing way (the doctor is *in*)
& tells him "you know what your problem is - you dont like mankind" and
linus responded with the now infamous on the jmdl "i love mankind its
people i cant stand"

but im prepared to believe that tom wishes he'd thought of it first

& guess what - it kind of blends in with the whole
tips/capitalism/something disturbing thread (started by me with the primary
intention of seeing how far it would go tee-hee (mischievous laughter!!)
(tho i really was freaked out by the idea!!)

these kind of things may be good ideas on a mankind type of scale.
unfortunately when it comes to dealing with the people who make up mankind
thats where all the wheels fall off, and the nosy suspicious next door
neighbour who doesnt like you because you dont have a flag waving, and you
listen to that hippy girl with the whininnnnnnnnnnnng voice who cant tune
her instrument right instead of listening to lawrence welk, starts to
browse through your garbage.

like capitalism. capitalism is *not* about getting rich off exploiting the
labour of others. its about getting rich off your own labour. "your own
labour" may include the ability to organise / direct / capitalise the
labour of others into a cohesive profitable unit. nothing wrong with that...

unfortunately therell always be the people who get into the position of
perceived power and abuse others. and therell always be those who perceive
thhselves in a position of weakness & roll over & offer their
throats up to the wolf.



np - patty larkin - you and me

ps - has joni ever said anything about readingf cartoons???

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