--- Mags N Brei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Kate,
>  I read an article recently about Bruce Cockburn and
> apparently he uses
> crazy glue on his nails because he never uses a
> pick!!! imagine!!! 

My guitar teacher gave me some advice I had never
heard of before. If you break a nail, you get some
crazy glue and a tea bag - you have to take the tea
out, though because you're using the material the bag
is made of.  You put some crazy clue on the broken
nail, then you apply a tiny piece of the tea bag
material. You let it dry. Then you sand it down. Then
you put some more crazy glue on it. Then you sand it
again and buff it 'til it's really smooth and you
can't even see that there's bits of crazy glue and tea
bag on your nail (and a good thing too!) I tried it a
few times, but I don't think my body chemistry is very
accepting of crazy glue, because it didn't work all
that well. It's also very tricky getting everything in
the right place, and waiting long enough for the crazy
glue to dry before you try sanding it, otherwise you
make a big mess.

I guess I'm not dedicated enough, because i'm not so
sure I want to go THAT far with the nail thing.

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