--- rvl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Laurent
> did a major, major, very kind favor for me, he went out of his way to
> do
> it and to make sure that  I did not have his address so that I could
> in
> any way repay him.  I am very grateful to Laurent who also testifies
> to
> the spirit that we have in the JMDL.  Thank you, Laurent!  And thanks
> all JMDLers.  You gotta know Joni is special when you look at the
> people
> who love her.
I agree whole heartedly with you Vince, about Laurent. And like you, he
is an intelligent, articulate, caring member of our Joni family. One of
the things I love about 'here' is the diversity of opinion. While we
may not agree with someone, we can make room for that difference of
opinion, and separate the opinion from the person, with no need to
attack 'them'. A lesson well learned. I am sad when I hear that someone
on the list feels they cannot say what they really feel/mean because of
the fear of repercussion. 

 I also agree with your comment about the people who love Joni. As for
our Joni family here on the JMDL, the spirit of love within a community
arises again and again, often behind the scenes. I am moved and
inspired by the good will which has become a vital part of the fabric
of 'us' in our every day. 

if you've had a kindness shown, pass it on.


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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