Hello all!

Just got back from Canada...Oh Canada! At 1:30 AM Monday
I was still dancing to La Boutine Souriante at the festival
hotel, and my shuttle left for the airport at 4:00 AM...so
if coherence is lacking, please excuse!

I had a wonderful weekend in Edmonton - Canadians are so
darned nice, and the festival is SO well organized...and
those prairie skies!! Of course, the backstage pass made
things even better. :)

Many great acts (including the recently-discussed-here Patti
Griffin), but I'll stick to the Joni content. On Friday,
the last act scheduled on the mainstage was Big Sandy,
basically an Orange County bar band. Ho hum, I thought, no
need to stick around, so I grabbed a shuttle back to the
hotel. They were broadcasting the fest on the radio, and I
hear...Warren Zevon (a last minute add-on) doing "Lawyers,
Guns and Money". Darn, I thought, I should have stuck around.
Then he does "Case of You" with DULCIMER back up. Argh! I
later chatted with his "band" Matt Cartsonis from LA...he
had figured out a version of Joni's dulcimer part - I told
him I'd show him how she REALLY did it.

Apparently several acts wanted to include Canadian content.
Los Lobos (after finishing with the GD's "Bertha") encored
with a kick-ass "Cinnamon Girl". Sunday afternoon Ireland's
Sharon Shannon was playing, and brought out an Irish singer
named Pauline (last name missed) to do "the only song I know
about Canada" - "Case of You", of course, done very well.

I know the performances were recorded - more work for Bob!

Now I guess I'm supposed to be working... :(

Steve Dulson        Costa Mesa CA       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"The Tinker's Own"                      http://www.tinkersown.com
"The Living Tradition Concert Series"   http://www.thelivingtradition.org/

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