1969: Joni performs with Crosby, Stills, and Nash in Chicago.
1974: Tonight Joni performs the fourth of five nights in a row at the Universal Amphitheater in Universal City, California. The recordings from these five dates end up as the material for the Miles Of Aisles album, released 3 months later. 1979: Joni performs the first of two nights at Alpine Valley in East Troy, Wisconsin. Future JMDLer Steve Polifka was there: "It was a Thursday evening with NO RAIN in sight... except for the fog from funny cigs that was wafting too and fro o'er the audience... ;-) The one thing I did notice and remember distinctly, after all these years, was that during the solo on Goodbye Pork Pie Hat, she sat on a plastic chair in the back of the stage, and buried her head in her hands - looking road weary or performance tired, I know not which. Her performance was great, however. And the other thing was Brecker missing his little solo during Hejira - "Listen..." More info: http://www.jmdl.com/articles/docs/790817mj.cfm http://www.jmdl.com/articles/docs/790817ms.cfm http://www.jmdl.com/articles/docs/790817wna.cfm ---- For the most complete reference to Joni's appearances, consult the Joni Mitchell Chronology of Appearances: http://www.jonimitchell.com/appearances.html