Ashara writes:

<< If you have them on digital, please send a CD of the pics as opposed to by 
e-mail.  >>

Also, if you can have them on the disc in chonological order, as John van 
Tiel did last year, that would be a tremendous help. If you can't put them in 
chonological order, it would be helpful if you could at least say which day 
each photo is from. Otherwise the only thing I can do to figure which day a 
photo is from is to try to remember who was wearing what on whatever day, and 
even though you are a very attractive group with lots of nice outfits, I 
don't think that will be possible. 

The fest page was slow in going up last year, mainly because I was -- like 
everyone else -- distracted (to say the least) by the attacks on 9/11. But if 
you all get the photos in ASAP this year, I promise to get the captions done 



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