I waited until the sleep deprivation wore off before I posted to the big
list about JoniFest2002.  Here's my take:

First my credentials.  I've seen the Rolling Stones.  I went to see Louden
Wainwright III.  I've seen George Harrison, B.B. King, and Blood, Sweat and
Tears.  I've seen Bob Dylan.  I've seen lots of wildly, extravagantly
wealthy singer-songwriters.

I saw Paul McCartney.

I even saw the finest singer-writer of my generation, Joni Mitchell, three

But in my life I've never had so much "good" music in a single evening as I
did Saturday night at JoniFest2002.  I'd rather have Saturday night over
again than any concert I've been to.

This is not a statement of thanks.  It's just taking a second, one second,
to say "Nothing tops that."  I'm sure I'll say "Thanks" soon enough.

James A. L'Hommedieu

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