a long but amazing peice considering he is a congressman! hope springs

"Spirit and Stardust"
by U.S. Representative Dennis J. Kucinich
Praxis Peace Institute Conference
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Sunday, June 9, 2002

  As one studies the images of the Eagle Nebula, brought back by the Hubble
Telescope from that place in deep space where stars are born, one can
imagine the interplay of cosmic forces across space and time, of matter
and spirit dancing to the music of the spheres, atop an infinite sea of

   Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to
return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the
starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light
magic of the innermost life of our self. The energy of the stars becomes us.
We become the energy of the stars. Stardust and spirit unite and we begin:
One with the universe. Whole and holy. From one source, endless
creative energy, bursting forth, kinetic, elemental. We, the earth,air,water
and fire-source of nearly fifteen billion years of cosmic spiraling.

   We begin as a perfect union of matter and spirit. We receive the
blessings of the Eternal from sky and earth. In our outstretched hands we
can feel the energy of the universe. We receive the blessings of the Eternal
water, which nourishes and sanctifies life. We receive the blessings of the
Eternal from the primal fire, the pulsating heart of creation. We experience
the wonder of life multidimensional and transcendent. We extend our hands
upwards and we are showered with abundance. We ask and we receive. A
universe of plenty flows to us, through us. It is in us. We
become filled with endless possibilities.
   We need to remember where we came from; to know that we are one. To
understand that we are of an undivided whole: race, color,
nationality,creed, gender are beams of light, refracted through one great
prism. We begin as perfect and journey through life to become more perfect
in the singularity of "I" and in the multiplicity of "we"; a more perfect
union of matter and spirit. - - This is human striving. This is where, in
Shelley's words, " . . . hope creates from its own wreck the thing it
This is what Browning spoke of: Our 'reach exceeding [our] grasp'. This is a
search for heaven within, a quest for our eternal home.
   In our soul's Magnificat, we become conscious of the cosmos within us. We
hear the music of peace, we hear the music of cooperation, we hear music of
love. We hear harmony, a celestial symphony. In our soul's forgetting, we
become unconscious of our cosmic birthright, plighted with disharmony,
disunity, torn asunder from the stars in a disaster well-described by
Matthew Arnold in Dover Beach: " . . . the world, which seems to lie before
us like a land of dreams, so various, so beautiful, so new, hath really
neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude nor peace, nor help for
pain. And we are here, as on a darkling plain, swept with confused alarms of
struggle and flight, where ignorant armies clash by night."
Today Dover Beach is upon the shores of the Potomac River in Washington,
D.C. Our leaders think the unthinkable and speak of the unspeakable
inevitability of nuclear war; of a nuclear attack on New York City, of
terrorist attacks throughout our nation; of war against Iraq using nuclear
weapons; of biological and chemical weapon attacks on civilian
populations; of catastrophic global climate change; of war in outer space.
   When death (not life) becomes inevitable, we are presented with an
opportunity for great clarity, for a great awakening, to rescue the human
spirit from the arms of Morpheus through love, through compassion and
through integrating spiritual vision and active citizenship to restore peace
to our world. The moment that one world is about to end, a new
world is about to begin. We need to remember where we came from. Because the
path home is also the way to the future.
  As we aspire to universal brotherhood and sisterhood, we harken to the cry
from the heart of the world and respond affirmatively to address through
thought, word and deed conditions which give rise to conflict: Economic
exploitation, empire building, political oppression, religious intolerance,
poverty, disease, famine, homelessness, struggles over control of water,
land, minerals, and oil.
   We realize that what affects anyone, anywhere affects everyone,
everywhere. As we help others to heal, we heal ourselves. Our vision of
interconnectedness resonates with new networks of world citizens in
nongovernmental organizations linking from numberless centers of
energy,expressing the emergence of a new organic whole, seeking unity within
and across national lines. New transnational web-based email and
telecommunications systems transcend governments and carry within them the
power of qualitative transformation of social and political structures and a
new sense of creative intelligence.
   If governments and their leaders, bound by hierarchy and patriarchy,
wedded to military might for legitimacy, fail to grasp the implications of
an emerging world consciousness  for cooperation, for peace and for
sustainability, they may become irrelevant.
  In the city I represent in the United States Congress, there is a memorial
to Peace, named by its sculptor, Marshall A. Fredericks the "Fountain of
Eternal Life". A figure rises from the flames, his gaze fixed to the stars,
his hands positioned sextant-like, as if measuring the distance.Though
flames of war from the millions of hearts and the dozens of places
wherein it rages, may lick at our consciousness, our gaze must be fixed
upward to invoke universal principles of unity, of co-operation, of
compassion,to infuse our world with peace, to ask for the active presence of
peace, to expand our capacity to receive it and to express it in our
everyday life.
We must do this fearlessly and courageously and not breathe in the poison
gas of terror. As we receive, so shall we give.

   I have seen groups of people overcome incredible odds as they become
aware they are participating in a cause beyond self and sense the movement
of the inexorable which comes from unity. When you feel this principle at
work, when you see spiritual principles form the basis of active
citizenship, you are reminded once again of the merging of stardust and

There is creativity. There is magic. There is alchemy.

   Violence is not inevitable. War is not inevitable. Nonviolence and peace
are inevitable. We can make of this world a gift of peace which will confirm
the presence of universal spirit in our lives. We can send into the future
the gift which will protect our children from fear, from harm, from
   Carved inside the pediment which sits atop the marble columns is a
sentinel at the entrance to the United States House of Representatives.
Standing resolutely inside this "Apotheosis of Democracy" is a woman, a
shield by her left side, with her outstretched right arm protecting a child
happily sitting at her feet. The child holds the lamp of knowledge under the
protection of this patroness.
This wondrous sculpture by Paul Wayland Bartlett, is entitled "Peace
Protecting Genius". Not with nuclear arms, but with a loving maternal arm is
the knowing child Genius shielded from harm. This is the promise of hope
over fear. This is the promise of love which overcomes all. This is the
promise of faith which overcomes doubt. This is the promise of light which
overcomes darkness.
This is the promise of peace which overcomes war.

Thank You.
US Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich


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