Town Votes To Ban Joni Mitchell Music After Weekend Disturbance

by Edmund Bearden, The Catskills Gazette

(Oliverea, NY) 

During an emergency meeting of the Oliverea Town Council last night, 
residents expressed shock, despair and outrage over last weekend's so-called 
JoniFest at Full Moon. By meeting's end, council members voted 5 to 0 to ban 
any future performances of Joni Mitchell's music within the town's boarders. 

"Enough is enough," local potter Sunshine "Sunny" Seagull declared. "It was a 
disgrace. I consider myself a flower child, an aging hippie or whatever, and 
I've been to my share of love-ins, but this was way over the top. Those 
people just plain scared me." 

"I agree," organic farmer T. Leary Freedman added. "JoniFest was so 
huggy-kissy, it made the original Woodstock festival look like a Ku Klux Klan 
rally. And the music! Heck, how many deet-deet-dee-dee-dees can one tiny 
hamlet take?" 

Council President Barbara Littlefeather was pleased with the vote. "I think 
we need to send a message loud and clear to Full Moon," she asserted. "One 
more commotion like this, and we'll turn that place into a parking lot. 

"We're just a little village, really. We can't be expected to handle this 
kind of influx of obsessed Joni Mitchell freaks flocking here from the 
far-flung corners of the world. Even that poor white duck over at the Full 
Moon pond has been swearing like a New Jersey sailor since this thing ended. 
For goodness sakes," Littlefeather asked, "how much darned stardust can one 
little village's road crews be expected to sweep up?" 

"I think we all feel very good and extremely empowered by this decision," 
tie-dye artist Om Fletcher stated. "In fact, you can be sure the whole town 
will be here at next week's meeting when we take up the subject of Ethel 

All JoniFest participants have left the area and were unavailable for 


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