--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I scanned 2 of Bryan's photos and put them up on Chris's Hatstand.org
> site. 
> This is way to time consuming to have to scan all of these. I'm gonna
> have to 
> see if I can still have a CD made from these prints. Will get the
> rest on CD 
> after 2pm.
The pictures are great Rose, don't you just love that backdrop? I can
certainly understand why you want to put the photos on CD, so much
easier to pass along from that place. Scanning takes forever!

I have GOT to finish the one and only roll I took, and am so nervous
because Ive never used Fuji film before, let alone 800 ASA. Oh well,
it's all in the adventure...and with all the gorgeous shots up on Chris
and Rose's pages so far, who needs mine LOL!

Thought of you last night Rose, when on our walk, we saw ads at the
local Ticket Mustard for Bruce in October in Phila. ;~)

love, Mags

You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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