Wow! There's someone who doesn't want fans! That letter she wrote really is 
the definition of shallow. I sure as hell wont be buying any of her records.


>From: "Lee Ashley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Lee Ashley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Sarah Haxby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   "Hillman Jace"  
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   "Bhawani Persad Sinanan"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
>   "Debora Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   "Eric  Aufdencamp" 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   "this guy"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   "Dorothee Anne  Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   
>"Irene Stein"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,   "Penn Muzzu Baker"  
>Subject: Fw: [womenfriends] Fwd: Singer Michelle Mayfield, Homophobic?
>Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2002 08:28:22 -0700
> >Subject: Singer Michelle Mayfield, Homophobic?
> >Date: Tu, 29 Aug 2002 23:14:53 -0700
> >
> >
> >
> >Subject: Singer Michelle Mayfield, Homophobic?
> >
> >
> >
> > Prior to this email, I had never heard of Michelle Mayfield. Apparently
> > she is a musician who is (was) up and coming and had acquired a rather
> > large gay/lesbian fan base. Her heterosexual fans were unhappy with the
> >public displays of outwardly gay behavior at her shows, so Ms. Mayfield
> >felt inclined to write the following email to her "friends and fans."
> >Following her email, is a response from one very angry lesbian.
> >
> > Another ironic tidbit of information that you might be interested to 
> >is that if you go to Ms. Mayfield's website and view her available
> > CDs, you'll see that she has a live CD on which she covers various
> >artists. Strangely enough, #8 is Melissa Etheridge's "Like The Way I Do."
> >
> > Please do your best to keep this email circulating and feel free to 
> >Ms. Mayfield with your thoughts at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> > The letter from Michelle:
> >
> > A Letter to My Fans;
> > Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002
> >
> > Dear Fans and Friends,
> >
> > First of all, I want to thank all of you for your continued support of
> > me and my music. I have enjoyed the past year and am very excited about
> > what is in my future. However, there is a situation that has been
> > brought to my attention that needs to be addressed.
> >
> > At the present time, within my fanbase there is a significant group of
> > people who have alternate sexual preferences. Please know that I
> > appreciate my fanbase no matter who or what they are - I, in no way,
> >shape, or form am complaining. However, as an artist, I am continually
> > wanting to expand that fanbase - to mothers and fathers, to college
> > students, to teenagers, etc. I honestly believe my music has the appeal
> > to be able to do that. It is not only important to me personally, but
> > it is imperative for my future ~ record executives are looking for 
> >with an established and significant following - they don't do very many
> >"developmental" deals these days.
> >
> > However, I have had several complaints from bar owners, friends, 
> >potential fans regarding the outwardly show of affection that has taken
> >place at my shows. This type of behavior, right or wrong, reflects on me 
> >the artist who has brought you to that club. Let me give you some 
> >
> > 1) I have several friends who will not ask their families, friends or
> >coworkers to shows because of this behavior and the potential negative
> >reflection that may be projected upon them as fans of mine.
> >
> >2) A gentleman from a show at "The Six of Clubs" made a comment in the
> > men's bathroom, "What's going on here tonight? I thought this was a
> > straight bar."
> >
> > As an artist, I want to be known for my MUSIC. It is VERY IMPORTANT to
> > me to NOT be stereotyped, pidgeonholed, or categorized in a way that 
> >alienate anyone from listening or coming to see my shows. I do not want 
> >become a Melissa Etheridge or a Patrice Pike (although I love them both 
> >respect them very much as artists) - most people don't think about their
> >music first.....they think of their sexual orientation - whether right or
> >wrong, that's the way it is. Whether I am straight or gay, it is no one's
> >business in the first place and I, personally, am not open to making that
> >anyone's business. It should be about the music...period.
> >
> > I cannot control the behavior of anyone, however, I am respectfully
> > asking all of you as fans and friends to please be respectful of what I
> > am trying to accomplish as an artist. Please be respectful of the places
> >where I am performing by being aware of the actions that can possibly 
> >potential fans away from my music or from my future shows.
> >
> >I want EVERYONE to feel comfortable coming to my shows - and from what 
> >been told, people are not comfortable because of this behavior. If this
> >means you cannot continue to support me or come to my future shows, then 
> >will understand and respect that decision. I appreciate your support up
> >until this time.
> >
> > I sincerely hope you will understand the purpose of this letter and will
> > respect my request.
> >
> > Thanks for your continued support ~
> >
> > Michelle
> >
> >
> > The response:
> >
> > An Open Letter to Michelle Mayfield 8.13.2002
> >
> >H, Michelle
> >
> > I got a copy of your note written to your friends and fans asking that 
> >gay and lesbian fans, the "significant group of people who have alternate
> >sexual preferences," do their best to hide their sexual orientation when
> >they come to hear you perform.
> >
> > You say that you are worried for your heterosexual fans who might be
> > subject to "the potential negative reflection that may be projected upon
> > them as fans of mine" if people realize you've got a lot of queer fans.
> >
> > Gosh, I'm sure it must be hard on you to have to deal with "the 
> >show of affection that has taken place" at your shows and all those badly
> >behaved lesbians and gay men. All those dykes humping each other's legs 
> >the rhythm of your music and whatnot; it must be terrible. So, just to 
> >you how concerned I am about this awful situation, me and my friends 
> >everything we can to make sure that all the queer-acting folks stay away
> >from your shows in order to make sure that your squeamish heterosexual 
> >feel okay about being there.
> >
> >In fact, I'll even work on convincing the queer-acting people who do go 
> >your shows to make sure that everyone in the venue knows they are *not* a
> >fan of yours. That should make you really happy.
> >
> > How are we going to do this? First, we'll send out the e-mail to 
> >we know, so they get the idea. Then we'll also send it to e-mail groups,
> >like Austingrrls, SublimeAustin, AustinFeminists and the NOW lists and 
> >gay and lesbian lists around the state. I'll even make sure to send it to
> >Aggie Pride, the gay and lesbian list for former A&M students, since, 
> >you, I'm a graduate of Texas A&M (Class of '91. Whoop!) and Aggies like 
> >help each other out, right? And I'll make sure to put a link to it on my
> >website.
> >
> >But we might miss a few people if we just rely on the internet, so we'll
> > send your letter out to publications that gay and lesbian people 
> >the Texas Triangle, the Houston Voice, The Austin Chronicle, The Dallas
> >Voice, Ambush, and whatever else we can track down. We'll also make sure 
> >contact radio stations that gay people listen to, like KGSR and KLBJ and 
> >94.7, and get them to make sure they play your music less during the
> >dayparts in which they have gay and lesbian listeners, thus making it 
> >likely that queers will come to your shows. I'm not sure how effective 
> >will be in keeping all those queer-acting people out of your shows, but I
> >think it should work pretty well, since most of these people, like me, 
> >it is "VERY IMPORTANT NOT be stereotyped, pidgeonholed, or
> >categorized" as someone who should be forced to hide who they are so as 
> >to project "negative" associations on the people they are standing next 
> >at a club. In fact, most of the people who see this will never come to 
> >shows or buy your albums or say anything nice about you to anyone again 
> >they see the bigoted and insulting e-mail you sent out to your "fans and
> >friends."
> >
> > And, you're right, it would suck for you to have the success of Melissa
> > Etheridge. What the hell were we thinking?
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